Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Heart Faces - Self Portrait

I've seen several posts/contest in regards to self portraits, so I thought I would get in front of the camera and give it whirl. Here's my results...

For more self portraits see iheartfaces...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Miss A Sneak Peek

Had fun with this cutie yesterday... :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Harris Family Sneak Peek

Here are a couple of teasers... More to come... :)

Here are a couple of teasers... More to come... :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Maggie - Senior Rep 2011

Please join me in congratulating Maggie! She is my new 2011 senior rep from DCHS. We had a lot of fun today doing her studio shots. Thanks Maggie! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I had the pleasure of photographing this group of friends last weekend. They are all beautiful young ladies and are about to start a new chapter in their lives. I wish them all the best! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010


It’s that time of year, Candy Foriest Photography is looking for FUN seniors interested in becoming senior reps. It’s actually pretty simple and a great way to get awesome photos to share with your family and friends. If you are interested in becoming a senior rep that means you are interested in getting your photos taken now before/during your senior year. I'm looking for one rep from Creekwood High School and one from Dickson County High School (if you are in a surrounding county, please don't hesitate to contact me). We will only accept ONE rep per high school so don’t miss out and APPLY ASAP! Applications are being accepted till July 23rd and rep will be chosen by July 31st.

How it works is simple; our reps will receive a FREE 2 hour photo session with unlimited outfit changes at the location of their choice. The reps are also entitled to 5 electronic/ web sized images of their choice to share on their facebook or myspace pages. They will also receive senior rep/referral cards to hand out to other fellow seniors. With each referral that books a senior session with Candy Foriest Photography the class rep will receive a $10 print credit.

To apply please email the following to me at candyforiest@gmail.com
* name
* email
* current high school
* city
* facebook/myspace (if you have one, so we can put a face to the name and add you to our fan list)
* any activities you’re involved in at school
* any information about yourself and your interests and hobbies
* why you want to be one of my senior reps
* do you have any fun or interesting ideas for our photoshoot?

PS. Don’t worry if you are a graduating senior class of 2010 & reading this. You haven't missed out. You can book a session anytime. Just give me an email shout! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

May Wedding

Got to shoot my cousin's wedding in May. She was a beautiful bride.

Friday, May 14, 2010

My New Packaging :)

It's a work in progress, but I thought I would share. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Love these marketing kits and I want one!

I want to Go{4}Pro with @go4ProPhotos / go4prophotos.com – visit Paperie Boutique / paperieboutique.com to see how you can win, too!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Savvy Photography Contest

{another fabulous giveaway at the Savvy Photographer... http://www.thesavvyphotographer.com/}

Like It!

Wrap it up! Win a gallery wrap canvas from Paperie Boutique & @colorinc / colorincprolab.com – visit paperieboutique.com for details!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Funky Camera Strap Contest @ Paperie Boutique

Get Funky with Paperie Boutique & @myfunkycamera / myfunkycamera.com – visit paperieboutique.com to win a My Funky Camera strap!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hope to Win! :( Didn't win.

Paperie Boutique/ paperieboutique.com rocks with @canvasrox – visit to win fabulous prizes from Pixel2Canvas / pixel2canvas.com!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Look!

Candy Foriest Photography has a new look! I thought I would spice things up with new colors and a new logo for the new decade. I have been contemplating this change for a while and finally took the plunge.